What Does the Moon have to do with my Business Finances?

Happy Friday1. This week I'd like to chat about the new moon! 🌚 Yes I'm going to talk about the new moon AND finances!

It's the new year - and a new moon cycle - which is a perfect time to look inward and make plans. I find this important to work on budgeting and forecasting - and setting your intentions for these next 4 quarters.

Instead of thinking like the Gregorian calendar about this new year which is overused and a bit trite - let's look at our business's goals in 3 month increments - Q1, 2, 3 and 4. That's less "resolution-ey" and more sophisticated 🥂

We’ve had one full moon already, the next week on Feb 16th- so if you haven't already started, let's take the next few days to dig deep and figure out what we want to manifest. Please comment below what you feel comfortably sharing.

First, intentions:

  1. How do you want to feel?

  2. What is the transformation?

  3. What is the accomplishment? Write it as if it's occurred already.

Next - Forecasting:

  1. What do you hope your revenue will be each quarter?

  2. What additional costs will you need to add to make that happen? Will your services/items cost more/take more people to execute that?

  3. And you must know my favorite - do you have system to track all this efficiently? If you don't - I urge to to book a free consultation with me here ASAP.

You get what you put attention on, so please make sure to carve out some time to do this! Your future self (hopefully lounging on a Hawaiian beach) will thank you! 🏖


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