Are you a women+ founder?

Running a business is no longer a “boy’s club” - we will help you get your company running efficiently and smoothly.

Like a boss.

“On average, women - even business owners - in the U.S. are paid 20% less than men, or around $9K less annually. Over a lifetime, this can add up to around $460K. We have a scenario where women tend to make less, spend an average of 12 fewer years in the workforce, and as a result, have lower lifetime earnings. By increasing knowledge and control on their business’ finances, women will be better able to make informed decisions. Also, women will have a better grasp of their and their business’ worth in the marketplace. Ultimately this information can help to reduce the gender pay gap.”
— Kirsten Barrie

Knowledge IS power, and the founder that has financial literacy not only can run her business efficiently, and profitably, she can also help minimize her own and her team’s pay and wealth gap.

Pay Gap

For Every $100 a White Male Earns, a Woman Earns:

Wealth Gap

Women Have 32 Cents for Every Dollar a Man Has:

Black/Latinx have just a few pennies

Investment Gap

This is just 18% of the $239 billion raised by all venture capital-backed companies through September

NY Times